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открытые на данный момент позиции
Regional Administrator
In this role as a regional administrator, you will be working as part of the WA Cares Fund team and will be one of the foundational members and a key contributor as we build and launch the nation’s first Long-Term Services and Supports social insurance program. You’ll use your experience and expertise to lead and oversight of cross-functional teams through daily operations including personnel management and staffing, facility planning, employee engagement, budget, resource and staffing allocation, policy implementation, and regional quality assurance to develop a future state vision for WA Cares Fund. You will oversee field operations in Region 3 in Pierce, Thurston, Kitsap, Mason, Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, Pacific, Lewis, Wahkiakum, Skamania, Cowlitz, and Clark counties.
Social and Health Program Consultant 4
As a Social and Health Program Consultant for the WA Cares Fund, you will support and train staff, and provide consultation, interpretation, training, and technology assistance to all supervisors and staff. You will act as a liaison between local, regional, and headquarters staff, and/or cross-agency partners, and represent the region on statewide committees providing consultation, training, planning and coordination, and policy input.