Long-Term Services & Supports (LTSS) Trust Commission

LTSS Trust Act


The Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Act (Trust Act) was enacted in 2019 and created the WA Cares Fund, a long-term care insurance benefit to help Washington employees cover the cost of long-term services and supports both during their careers and after they retire.


The Trust Act also created the Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Commission (the Commission), which works on behalf of Washingtonian employees and Long-Term Services & Supports stakeholders to improve, monitor and implement the program. The commission consists of legislators, administering agencies, and stakeholder representatives. The Commission is working on several topics of interest, including:


  • criteria for determining who is a qualified individual;
  • minimum provider qualifications;
  • service payment maximums;
  • actions needed to maintain Trust solvency;
  • and monitoring of agency expenses.
birds flying over brown rolling hills

Commission Members

Ruth Egger headshot
Ruth Egger
Individual Receiving LTSS #2
John Ficker headshot
John Ficker
Adult Family Home Council
Madeline Foutch headshot
Madeline Foutch
Union Rep. Long-Term Care Workers
Peter Nazzal
Representative of a Home Care Association
Mark Stensager
Mark Stensager
Individual Receiving LTSS #1
Rachel Smith headshot
Rachel Smith
Organization of Employers Collecting the Premium
Laurie St. Ours headshot
Lauri St. Ours
Association representing Skilled Nursing Facilities & Assisted Living Providers
Silvia Gonzalez
Silvia Gonzalez
Worker who is paying the premium



Learn more about the commission





Each year, the Commission proposes recommendations to the legislature or the appropriate executive agency on specific aspects of the program. Read the recommendations:







The Commission also reports administrative expenses to the governor and fiscal committees of the legislature each year. Read the reports:




Upcoming Meeting

Questions regarding the LTSS Commission meeting schedule?


Send us an email or call 1-844-CARE4WA

2024 Schedule and Documents

Date & time
Meeting documents
September 18, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Provider Payment Maximums Group 4 Stakeholder Open Forum